How we hold and process your information
Wavehill has been engaged by The Ernest Cook Trust to complete an evaluation of The OWL Collaboration. The evaluation will provide learning that will support and inform the scheme’s approach throughout its duration.
As part of this evaluation, we are collecting information from the participating Outdoor Learning Centres, school staff and project participants to demonstrate the reach of the project and the impact of the project on the young people involved.
Any personal information collected as part of the evaluation is kept confidential. Data will not be made public in a way that could lead to any individual being identified. The information is only used for analysis and reporting purposes. Wavehill will produce reports based on the data but this will not identify any individuals unless permission has been granted to do so.
All personal data will be deleted within six months of the evaluation coming to an end. The anonymised data is held securely and will only ever be used for the purposes outlined below. We never share or use this information for commercial or marketing purposes.
If you have any questions, please contact Anna Burgess [ or Sarah White [].
Under the new data protection legislation, you have the right:
To access your personal data held by The Ernest Cook Trust and Wavehill.
To require The Ernest Cook Trust or Wavehill to correct any mistakes in that data.
To (in certain circumstances) object to or restrict processing.
For (in certain circumstances) your data to be ‘erased’.
Please contact Wavehill or The Ernest Cook Trust if you wish to do any of these things.
If you have any concerns about how your data has been handled, you can lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office who is the independent regulator for data protection. You can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office on 01625 545 745 or 0303 123 1113, via the website , or write to: Information Commissioner, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.
Further information
Why is this research happening?
Wavehill has been engaged by The Ernest Cook Trust to complete an evaluation of The OWL Collaboration. The project requires specific impact measurement with a primary interest in youth engagement with the environment. The questions this evaluation seeks to answer are as follows:
1. How effective is this model of delivery?
2. To what extent has the programme successfully produced outcomes for young people? Positive outcomes for young people include:
Connection to nature
Care and concern for the environment
Improved mental health and wellbeing
·Better engagement in learning
3. What is the legacy of The OWL Collaboration on young people, outdoor learning centres and schools and their communities?
Through this evaluation, Wavehill will help to establish a robust and rigorous system, which will both enable the client to measure the full impact of the project and ensure that it sits within a wider impact evaluation process related to other aspects of their charitable work.
What type of information is collected through the evaluation?
We will collect information about young people, staff and schools participating in The OWL Collaboration in the following ways:
1. School staff will be asked to enter information onto a database related to young people participating in residentials. This information includes demographic information about each young person, for example age, gender and ethnicity as well as socio-economic data such as Free School Meal eligibility. This data will allow The Ernest Cook Trust to ensure that the programme is being delivered to its target cohort. This data will also be matched to survey responses (see below) to better understand how experiences differ for different groups to ensure that the programme delivers the same positive outcomes for all young people. Every young person has the right to be excluded from this process and this can be done by contacting the senior analyst Paula Gallagher at
In some cases Outdoor Learning Centres will request additional information necessary for the residentials to take place such as welly size or important safeguarding information such as information on any allergies or details of emergency contacts.
2. Young people will be invited to take part in four short surveys which cover a wide range of topics in order to understand how they may have benefitted from the programme. Topics include:
Questions regarding their general wellbeing
Questions on their connection to nature
Participants' experiences of The OWL Collaboration residential visits.
Any benefits they may have experienced as a result of taking part in the project.
Young people have the right not to consent to taking part in these surveys or to not answer any questions they would prefer to leave blank.
School staff will also be invited to take part in a survey. Topics in this survey will include questions on how, if at all, young people have benefitted from taking part in The OWL Collaboration, strengths and weaknesses of the process of attending residentials and any further impacts that may have been identified for staff or schools involved. Staff have the right not to consent to taking part in these surveys or to not answer any questions they would prefer to leave blank.
What is personal data?
Personal data means any information that could lead to a person being identified either alone or in combination with other widely-available information, e.g. their name, their address, or details specific to that person.
For young people:
The evaluation collects some personal data for all respondents in both the database and the surveys including:
School attended
Database information collected
English as an additional language (EAL)
Special educational needs and disability (SEND)
Children looked after (CLA)
Free school meals (FSM)
For school staff:
School they work for
How long will personal data be kept for?
Wavehill will hold personal data during the contract period but will delete it six months after the end of the contract.
What is the legal basis for collecting and processing the data collected?
The lawful basis for collecting and processing information for this evaluation is legitimate interest, i.e. the information is necessary for The Ernest Cook Trust to evaluate the long-term impact of The OWL Collaboration and provide learning that will support and inform the project’s approach throughout its duration. In addition to this, explicit consent to the processing of those personal data for one or more specified purposes identified below will be obtained. Participation in the research is completely voluntary.
What is the purpose of processing your answers?
The data will be used to demonstrate the reach of the scheme, the range of projects which take place within the scheme and the impact these projects have on the young people involved, communities and the environment.
By taking part, young people will be helping The Ernest Cook Trust to evaluate the long-term impact of The OWL Collaboration and provide learning that will support and inform the project’s approach throughout its duration.
Who has access to the personal data collected through the database and surveys?
Wavehill and delivery staff at the outdoor learning centres will have access to the database and a copy of this personal data to ensure that the residentials can take place and allow them to track participants throughout the project. Wavehill will have access to personal data collected through the surveys.
Analysis and reporting of this data will be reported on an aggregate basis so that individuals will not be identifiable. As part of the evaluation we may produce a series of case studies but identifiable data will not be published unless we have permission to do so.
Int. Ref. (817-24)