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Interim Evaluation of the Taith Programme: Privacy Notice

How we hold and process your information

Wavehill are undertaking an interim evaluation of the Taith programme on behalf of the International Learning Exchange Programme (ILEP) Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Cardiff University who were established to deliver Taith. The purpose of this interim evaluation is to explore how well the programme is being implemented and to begin exploring the short and medium-term outcomes on sectors, beneficiaries and participants.


The interim evaluation is being delivered in parallel with the delivery of the programme, therefore providing an opportunity to identify areas for improvement and changes that can be made for the remaining programme period (and potentially for future interventions). The feedback from organisations and individuals benefiting from the programme is crucial in allowing us to make a robust assessment of programme performance.


Organisations are being asked to take part in interviews with the Wavehill research team on the basis that they have received funding under the Taith programme. Organisations’ details have been shared with Wavehill following the consent they provided to the Taith team and agreement to take part in the evaluation. In addition, Wavehill are also conducting some visits to the grant recipient settings in order to conduct groups discussions with the participants and to observe Taith-related activities. These are also taking place on the basis of the consent provided by the settings and/or individuals involved in the research activity. Participation in these activities are voluntary. Organisations and individuals can decide to not take part before or during the activities and can choose to not answer certain questions if they prefer.


Any personal information collected as part of the research activity is kept confidential. The responses are only used for research purposes. Reports produced as part of this process may be published and appear on the Taith website. Wavehill will produce a report based on the data but this will not identify any individuals without their explicit permission.


Your personal data is deleted within six months of the end of the programme (currently scheduled to be in September 2027).. The anonymised data is held securely and is only ever used for non-commercial research purposes. We do not share or use your information for commercial or marketing purposes. 


If you have any questions, please contact Ioan Teifi, the evaluation’s Project Manager at or Susana Galván Hernández, Taith’s Executive Directorat


Under the new data protection legislation, you have the right:

  • To access your personal data held by the Taith programme.

  • To require ILEP Ltd. to correct any mistakes in that data.

  • To (in certain circumstances) object to or restrict processing.

  • For (in certain circumstances) your data to be ‘erased’.


Please contact Susana Galván Hernández if you wish to do any of these things.


If you have any concerns about how your data has been handled, you can lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office who is the independent regulator for data protection.  You can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office on 01625 545 745 or 0303 123 1113, via the website or write to: Information Commissioner, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.


Further information

1.      What is the Taith Interim Evaluation?

Wavehill are undertaking an interim evaluation of Taith on behalf of ILEP Ltd. The purpose of this interim evaluation is to explore how well the programme is being implemented and to begin exploring the short and medium-term outcomes on sectors, beneficiaries and participants. The interim evaluation is being delivered in parallel with the delivery of the programme, therefore providing an opportunity to identify areas for improvement and changes that can be made for the remaining programme period (and potentially for future interventions).


The evaluation will provide usable findings to inform policy, strategy and evaluation of future interventions. Building on the inception stage, the interim stage will review delivery and management processes and report on progress against the outputs and outcomes as well as value for money assessment. The Interim report will include conclusions and recommendations relating to what has taken place and any recommended adjustments to strategy, operational processes or future evaluation and will be critical to inform the ongoing delivery of Taith. The interim stage will also consider impact to date (where feasible) including a particular focus on the accessibility of opportunity offered by the programme for underrepresented groups and subsequent impact. The interim stage will identify any lessons learnt for final evaluation stage and future policy and strategy.


2.      What type of information is collected through the research?

The research activities cover a wide range of topics. These include:

  • Information about the organisations and individuals receiving support

  • Information about the projects

  • Experience of and satisfaction with the support

  • Information about any outcomes from the support


3.      What is personal data?

Personal data means any information that could lead to a person being identified either alone or in combination with other widely-available information, e.g. their name, their address, or details specific to that person.

The grant recipient survey collects some personal data for respondents such as your name.


4.      How long will the personal data be held for?

Your personal data is deleted within six months of the end of the programme (currently scheduled to be in September 2027).

5.      What is the legal basis for collecting and processing the data collected?  

The legal basis for collecting and processing your data is based on your consent.


6.      What is the purpose of processing your answers?

The data is used to inform our evaluation of the Taith programme.

7.      Who has access to the personal data collected through the survey?

Only a small number of researchers at Wavehill will have access to the non-anonymised data and Wavehill has procedures and systems in place to keep that data secure. Language learning models and 3rd party software may be used to analyse that data but these all conform to UK GDPR standards. All personal data collected through the survey will be deleted within 6 months of the end of the contract. An anonymised version of that data will be shared with ILEP Ltd in the form of a report.


Int. Ref.  805-24


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