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How we hold and process your information
Wavehill have been appointed by Business in Focus to undertake an evaluation of the Future Focus programme. The key task of the evaluation is to measure the value, impact and effectiveness of the programme.
We would like to speak to individuals who have received support from Business in Focus capture feedback on how they feel that support has been and what the impacts of the support have been for individuals. Business in Focus have provided us with your name and contact details.
The data you provide will only be used for the purposes of this evaluation. Any personal information collected as part of the evaluation is kept confidential. Your answers to the survey will not be made public in a way that could lead to you being identified. Wavehill will produce a report based on the information, but this will not identify any individuals.
It is also important to note that the team undertaking the evaluation do not work for Business in Focus. This is an independent evaluation.
Wavehill will delete the information you provide and all personal data relating to this research within six months of the end of the evaluation.
If you have any queries regarding the evaluation, please feel free to contact either Michael Pang, who is leading the evaluation (michael.pang@wavehill.com) or Alison Hitchen, Future Focus Programme Manager (alisonh@businessinfocus.co.uk).
Under the new data protection legislation, you have the right:
· To access your personal data held by the Future Focus programme
· To require Business in Focus to correct any mistakes in that data.
· To (in certain circumstances) object to or restrict processing.
· For (in certain circumstances) your data to be ‘erased’.
Please contact Alison Hitchen if you wish to do any of these things in relation to this project. If you have any concerns about how your data has been handled, you can lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office who is the UK Government’s independent regulator for data protection. You can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office on 0303 123 1113, via the website www.ico.org.uk, or write to: Information Commissioner, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.
Further information
1. Why is this research happening?
Wavehill has been commissioned by Business in Focus to undertake a research and evaluation study of their Future Focus programme. Future Focus is delivering support to individuals across Wales. As part of the funding stipulation, an independent evaluation has to be conducted to identify best practice and help learning and legacy of the programme to inform future provision.
Business in Focus is interested in the effects of the delivery on supported individuals, feedback on the organisation, management of the programme and insight into where things could be improved.
2. What type of information is collected through the survey?
The survey focuses on views about how the Future Focus programme has been managed, delivered and any perceived outcomes as a result of the programme.
3. What is personal data?
Personal data means any information that could lead to a person being identified either alone or in combination with other widely-available information, e.g. their name, their address, or details specific to that person.
4. How long will personal data be kept for?
Wavehill will hold personal data during the contract period but will delete it six months after the end of the contract.
5. What is the legal basis for collecting and processing the data collected through the survey?
The evaluation of the Future Focus programme enables Business in Focus to understand whether the programme is working effectively. It is therefore used to support activities within Business in Focus. For example, the information collected might be used:
· To decide whether programmes like Future Focus should continue in the future
· To understand the best methods for creating new ways of supporting individuals.
The evaluation is being carried out by Wavehill on behalf of Business in Focus. Your individual participation in the research is voluntary.
6. What is the purpose of processing your answers to the survey?
The data is used for research and evaluation purposes only. The data will be analysed to enable Business in Focus to understand the impact and effectiveness of the Future Focus programme. This will help Business in Focus to establish if this programme is able to deliver new insights into how future employment support initiatives might be improved. The data will not be used for commercial or marketing purposes and it will not be used to take make decisions about you as an individual.
7. Who has access to the personal data collected through the survey?
Wavehill will have a copy of the personal data to allow it to carry out the survey.
Responses collected will be analysed by researchers at Wavehill to produce a report for Business in Focus. This report will not identify any individuals participating in the research and attributable data will not be shared with Business in Focus, or anyone else outside of Wavehill. Wavehill will delete all personal data within six months of the end of the project. Business in Focus will not have access to personal data collected through the interviews.