Place Regeneration
Area-based regeneration that contributes positively to an area’s identity, its attractiveness and vibrancy requires a clear strategy, sustained funding and community engagement and support. Effective regeneration projects can unlock numerous social, economic, and cultural benefits in your local area and beyond. It can facilitate the creation of a sense of place and pride, generating a sense of aspiration and acting as a catalyst for further investment and activity.
At Wavehill we:
Provide HM Treasury Compliant economic appraisal and modelling to inform estimations of likely socio-economic returns from investment in the design and development of your regeneration programme. We can undertake social cost benefit analysis and socio-economic impact analysis to capture the true scale of added value. This includes analysis of hard economic outcomes through to the catalytic effects of regeneration, to the array of social benefits generated.
Develop an evidence base through community and stakeholder consultation supplemented by an array of quantifiable data, benchmarked against other locations. This can help you to prioritise activity and establish appropriate baselines to build from whilst ensuring multiple voices are represented throughout delivery.
With experience across a range of different areas Wavehill can support your regeneration programme to demonstrate the transformational social and economic impact it can have on your local and wider community. With deep knowledge of the changing and complex funding environment and a thorough understanding of local and national imperatives, we can work closely with you. Through our vigorous approaches to research, analysing evidence and delivering evaluation we can ensure that your regeneration activity demonstrates its full added value.
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