Monitoring & Evaluation
Evaluation of policies, projects and programmes is a vital part of delivery because it helps you to learn about what works and how to make your interventions more effective and impactful. It helps to show your funders that you have delivered what you said you would and can also give you evidence that helps you make the case for more funding. It can also help you to develop plans for what you could deliver in the future.
At Wavehill we:
Provide expertise around process, counterfactual impact, theory of change and economic evaluations. We have a detailed understanding of the HM Treasury Magenta Book and Green Book guidance, which we regularly apply to projects of all sizes from national government programmes to smaller scale local schemes.
Tailor our evaluation methodologies to ensure they meet all of yours and your funder’s requirements. We answer the questions that you are interested in, present findings in a way that can help you to articulate your project’s successes and provide support to you at every step to help ensure high quality evaluation.
We believe good evaluation should be useful - meeting the needs of key stakeholders, credible - ensuring objectivity and transparency, evidence based and robust - with well-designed and well executed methodologies. We work closely with you to ensure high quality evaluation that help impact and enhance policy and project development at all levels of government across the UK.