Employability, Education & Training
The road to recruitment, retention and workforce development in the UK job market is complex. There are individuals who require support to overcome multiple barriers including educational, social, or economic challenges to enter the labour market. Businesses are looking to retain talent and upskill their existing labour force. These businesses may be responding to changes in work practices, emerging skills needs focused on green or digital requirements, innovations in products and services or wider market or competition pressures. At either end of this spectrum, you will need an inclusive, tailored, multi-disciplinary approach to address these challenges.
At Wavehill we:
Understand the local, regional, and national innovation and skills agenda. We work closely with regional clusters and skills partnerships to identify your local skills gaps and needs alongside national trends and analysis on future skill requirements.
Build on our strong track record in programme evaluations and expertise in employability and skills. This enables you to develop focused support for those out of work, those upskilling whilst in
employment, as well as beneficiaries into more long-term and sustainable jobs.
Can provide you with mixed or multi-method approaches that truly understands what focused support your project needs. We can gain insights from those who face multiple barriers and from hard-to reach groups so you can provide more focused support to your project beneficiaries that helps build skills and confidence.
We can help you to focus on the economic and social impact that employability programmes have within your local and the national context. Our close attention on the journey that beneficiaries undertake from unemployment or economic inactivity towards secure employment can better inform your programme or policy. Our experience includes advising national and local governments, charitable foundations, the voluntary and community sectors. It is founded on a genuine interest amongst our staff to identify workable solutions for those often the furthest away from the labour market, and to support programme delivery that makes a real life-changing differences for those people.