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Economic Impact Assessments

Understanding the economic impact of your project, your business, or your organisation, can enable you to demonstrate your value to your stakeholders and to funders. At Wavehill we go beyond simply articulating jobs and economic value, measured by Gross Value Added (GVA). Our tailored approach allows you to understand your overall economic contribution in context with your social, community and environmental impacts. Our robust, simple to understand findings can help to inform policy, strategic decision making and in developing funding bids. Your project may be at a pre-investment stage and needs an evidence base to inform and shape investment decisions. Or you may be at a post-intervention stage and need to attribute value or understand changes resulting from your initiative. We can help you to better articulate the value you have created for your funders or stakeholders.

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At Wavehill we:

  • Help you to demonstrate the social and economic impacts of large-scale infrastructure investments and regeneration programmes as part of the planning process.

  • Combine our deep expertise across different sectors and policy areas with an understanding of the broader economic and social context to assess and quantify

the economic and social impacts generated by your anchor institution, organisation, or sector.

  • Work with you to determine the most appropriate tools and approaches for your initiative, including primary and secondary data analysis, benchmarking, stakeholder consultation, input-output analysis, and economic impact modelling.

Our robust approach to data management is in line with industry standards and the HMT Green Book guidance to deliver robust, reliable findings for your economic impact assessments. This includes analysing direct (from your activity, intervention, project, organisation), indirect (supply chain) and induced impacts (wider spending from employees). This gives you a comprehensive understanding of the economic impact of your programme, policy, organisation, or policy initiative.

Case Studies/Articles


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