Climate Change
& Energy
The UK Government has set targets to achieve national net zero carbon emissions by 2050, while many local authorities across the UK intend to achieve this aim much earlier. Establishing if your initiative can meet these targets, and in a cost-effective way, will require trialling a wide range of different policies and programmes, and testing innovative technologies. You will need high quality evidence, using timely monitoring and evaluation to assess the impacts and gather insights around what works, what is cost-effective and what initiatives best contribute to the targets set within your energy and low carbon projects and policies.

At Wavehill we:
Provide you with insights and understanding of the economic and social impacts of green infrastructure investments, projects, and policies. This includes undertaking socio-economic impact assessments for proposed renewable energy infrastructure and other low carbon projects, as well as mapping low carbon sectors to understand the local economic benefits of the sector in terms of employment and economic contribution.
Help you make the case for new energy infrastructure or other low carbon projects or policies through economic analysis, support business case development in line with the HM Treasury Green Book, and development of funding bids.
Understanding the impact of any initiative can improve interventions, secure funding, and ensure local buy-in. Our work can support you to develop, deliver and evaluate the effectiveness of your projects and programmes as we transition towards a lower carbon economy.
Case Studies/Articles
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